Achieve Your Weight Goals: Effective Home Remedies for Rapid Weight Gain in 2 Weeks


“An effective personality matters a lot in the era of modernity and competition. Attractive body can attract anyone towards it, for which it is very important to keep fit. It affects badly, especially among the youth, it has become a matter of concern. If you are also troubled by thinness and have tried all kinds of things, then this article can solve your problem. Learn with us how to increase weight using selected household items.

Reasons for Being Underweight

There can be many reasons behind the thinness of the body. Here we are telling about these reasons for the thinness of the body.

  • lack of nutrition
  • Tension
  • loss of appetite
  • diseases like cancer and diabetes Long lasting infections such as diarrhea.
  • infection in the pancreas
  • side effects of medications (chemotherapy or thyroid medication)

Worry After knowing the reasons for thinness, let us know the ways to get fat quickly.

Home remedies to gain weight –

1.Ghee and Sugar:

You can consume ghee and sugar as a remedy to gain weight. It is a natural remedy, which has been used for centuries to create health. Know below how to consume ghee and sugar to gain weight

How to use: Mix one spoon of sugar in one spoon of ghee. Consume this mixture half an hour before meals. Repeat this process daily for a month.

How is it beneficial: Calories and fat play an important role in increasing body weight. Ghee is rich in both these nutrients, which will help you in gaining weight.

2. Mango and Milk:

People suffering from thinness can consume mango and milk together. Both these ingredients are rich in nutrients that increase weight. Know below how to consume mango and milk as a remedy for obesity.

How to use:

Consume two ripe mangoes daily. Drink warm milk after eating mangoes. Within a few days, you will start seeing changes in your body.

How is it beneficial:

Protein, carbohydrate and fat are found in sufficient quantity in milk, which can help you in gaining weight. At the same time, mango is also rich in fat and calories, which along with increasing the weight, works to keep your digestion healthy.

3. Ashwagandha:

Using Ashwagandha can be an effective way to get fat. It is an Ayurvedic medicine, which can help you in gaining weight. Know below how to consume Ashwagandha.

How to use:

Mix half a teaspoon of Ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm milk and take it before sleeping at night. You can add a teaspoon of honey to it for taste. Consuming Ashwagandha regularly in this way will give you good results soon.

How is it beneficial:

As we mentioned above, one of the reasons for thinness can be stress and Ashwagandha works as an anti-stress, which relieves the body from stress. Apart from this, it can also promote digestion by removing stomach related problems. The antioxidant properties present in it work to keep the body away from free radicals. According to one study, consuming Ashwagandha with milk can increase body weight .

4. Dried Figs and Raisins:

Consuming dry fruits to gain weight can also be an accurate way to get fat. Know below how! to consume figs and raisins to remove thinness.

How to use:

Soak six dried figs and about 30 grams of raisins in water overnight. Next day they can be eaten twice in the morning and evening. Good results can be seen in about 20 to 30 days.

How is it beneficial:

Calories are found in excess in dried figs and raisins. About 129 calories are found in 43 grams of Raisins. You can consume these dry fruits to get rid of thinness.

5. Avocado:

As a remedy for getting fat, you can choose certain fruits containing fat. Here we are telling how avocado can be consumed for leanness.

How to use:

You can make avocado smoothie, for which you take an avocado and scoop out its pulp with a spoon. Now add avocado pulp in the grinder and add sugar or honey as required, mix well and drink. You can start the day with avocado smoothie.

How is it beneficial:

Avocado is a special fruit, which is rich in calories and fat. Regular consumption of this can remove your leanness.

6. Peanut Butter:

You can consume peanut butter as a way to get fat. You can include peanut butter in your daily diet to gain weight.

How to use:

You can eat brown bread for breakfast by applying Peton butter. How is it beneficial: Peanut butter is a great source of calories. There are 598 calories in 100 grams of Peanut Butter. Apart from this, it is also rich in nutrients like fat, protein and carbohydrates, which can help you in gaining weight.

7. banana and milk:

You can opt for banana and milk as a remedy for weight gain. Know below how these two food items help in gaining weight and how to consume them –

 How to use:

You can have two bananas and a glass of lukewarm milk for breakfast in the morning. You can add one teaspoon of honey to the milk for taste. Consuming banana and milk in this way will give good results soon.

 How is it beneficial:

 Banana and milk are rich in calories. which will not only help in increasing your weight but will also increase your work capacity. Apart from this, banana will also work to keep your digestive health in good shape, as there is a sufficient amount of fiber present in it.

 8. Nuts:

You can consume nuts regularly as a way to gain weight. Know below how nuts can increase weight and how to consume them.

 How to use:

 You can eat these nuts at any time of the day. If you soak them in water overnight and eat them the next morning, it will be more beneficial.

How is it beneficial: 

Nuts such as almonds, peanuts and flax seeds are rich in calories and fat, which can help you gain weight.

 9. Distance from stress:

Stress is also one of the reasons for thinness. A person suffering from stress reduces food and drink. So, try to remain stress free as much as possible to control the weight. For this you can take support of morning walk and yoga etc. Morning walk can be more effective in relieving stress.

10. Sleep in the afternoon:

The body can also become lean due to lack of sleep. Apart from night sleep, you can take some rest or sleep in the afternoon.

 What to do:

 Take a nap in the afternoon for about 45 minutes to an hour.

How is it beneficial:

 Sleeping in the afternoon will give rest to the body and replenish the lost energy. Just a few hours of sleep can help you increase your body weight. As a way to get fat, you must get enough sleep at night.


After the solution of how to increase weight, know some other important tips.

As a remedy for getting fat, these tips can help you overcome thinness.

  •  You can take the help of yoga to increase body weight. Yoga can not only reduce obesity, but also increase body weight. You can practice asanas like Bhujangasan, Vajrasan, Surya Namaskar and Pawanmuktasan etc.
  • It is very important to have the right diet to gain weight. Try to include high calorie and high fat food items in your daily diet. You can choose any of the food items mentioned in the article.
  • Keep eating almonds and walnuts in between breakfast, lunch and dinner. The more calories your body takes in, the more it will help in gaining weight.
  • Do not drink more water before meals, if you drink more water, you will not be able to eat more.
  • Give rest to the body as much as possible, take at least 6-7 hours of sleep at night.
  • Stay away from smoking, as it can act as an appetite suppressant.
  • Increase the amount of food daily little by little. This will allow your body to absorb more nutrients.
  • You can start consuming weight gain supplements on the advice of a dietician.
  • With the help of a dietitian, you can follow a diet chart.

Keep a record of your food and drink, so that you can know how many calories you have consumed throughout the day.


Q: What are standard weight gain fixes?

A: Trademark weight gain fixes insinuate techniques and strategies that advance sound and sensible weight gain without returning to phony or unwanted means. These fixes revolve around further developing enhancement affirmation, extending calorie usage, and supporting by and large success.

Q: why is strong weight gain huge?

A: Strong weight gain is huge because it helps individuals with achieving a fair and supported body. It will in general be profitable for underweight individuals, contenders, or those recovering from sicknesses. Gaining weight in a strong manner ensures the body gets key enhancements and avoids potential prosperity chances related with bothersome weight gain.

Q: What are the strong procedures for normal weight gain?

A: Feasible methods for normal weight gain include:

1. Changed Diet: Consuming an eating routine affluent in strong fats, proteins, complex starches, and micronutrients.

2. Calorie Overabundance: Consuming a greater number of calories than your body consumes dynamic work.

3. Strength Planning: Partaking in resistance exercises to develop mass.

4. Standard Meals and Nibbles: Eating normal dining experiences and nutritious snacks to augment calorie confirmation.

5. Sustaining Improvements: Adding supplements like protein shakes or weight gain powders under capable heading.

6. Good Rest: Getting sufficient rest to assist with muscling recovery and as a rule.

Q: Are there any typical answers for vitalize yearn for weight gain?

A: For sure, there are a couple of standard fixes that can help with stimulating hankering for weight gain. A couple of effective decisions include:

1. Ginger: Consuming ginger tea or adding ginger to dining experiences can further develop hunger.

2. Work out: Taking part in light action before blowouts can uphold hunger.

3. Fragrant recuperating: Using smells like peppermint or citrus can strengthen hunger.

4. Local Upgrades: Certain regular improvements, for instance, gentian root or chamomile, can assist with extending hunger.

Q: Strength normal burden anytime gain fixes be reasonable for a really long time?

A: To be sure, ordinary weight gain fixes can be plausible long term. By taking on a sensible and sound lifestyle, uniting supplement rich food assortments, and following a solid day to day practice, individuals can stay aware of their weight gain results for a really long time. It is crucial to focus in on ceaseless weight gain and sensible penchants rather than helpful arrangements.

Q: Could normal load at any point acquire cures be appropriate for people with dietary limitations?

A: Indeed, normal weight gain cures can be adjusted to oblige different dietary limitations. For instance:
Veggie lover or Vegan Diets: Plant-based protein sources like tofu, tempeh, lentils, and beans can be consolidated.
Sans gluten Diets: sans gluten grains like quinoa, buckwheat, and rice can be utilized as starch sources.
Lactose Narrow mindedness: sans lactose dairy choices, for example, almond milk or without lactose milk can be incorporated.

Q: How long does it ordinarily require to get results from normal weight gain cures?

A: The course of events for getting results from regular weight gain cures can fluctuate in light of individual factors like digestion, hereditary qualities, and adherence to the picked strategies. It is essential to have practical assumptions and comprehend that sound weight gain is a slow cycle. Consistency and tolerance are critical.

Q: Are there any expected dangers or aftereffects related with regular weight gain cures?

A: When rehearsed reasonably and under proficient direction, regular weight gain cures are for the most part protected. Notwithstanding, it's vital to know about expected gambles, like overconsumption of specific supplements, sensitivities, or prior ailments. It's constantly prescribed to talk with a medical services proficient or an enlisted dietitian prior to rolling out huge improvements to your eating regimen or way of life.

Q: Could regular load at any point acquire cures be joined with a wellness schedule?

A: Totally! Joining normal weight gain cures with a wellness routine can be helpful. Normal activity, especially strength preparing, can assist with building bulk, upgrade hunger, and backing generally speaking weight gain endeavors. It's vital for find some kind of harmony between calorie utilization and actual work to guarantee solid weight gain.


You can also adopt expensive modern remedies to remove thinness, but the possibility of their side effects is high. You should not get into any problem regarding how to gain weight quickly, so Style Crase advises you to adopt the home remedies mentioned in this article. These remedies are completely natural and have the potential to give good results. If you have increased your weight with any home remedy, then do share your experience with us.

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